Human Evaluation Fundamentals

Fundamentals of How To Evaluate People
The current societal norms for evaluating humans often overlook virtues, values, and principles. In most cases, a person is judged based on influence, wealth, appearance, and social connections. This method is inaccurate and unjust. It neglects the core values of individuals.
A just evaluation process should prioritize internal qualities over external factors that do not reflect true worth. Failing to judge people based on their virtues is a significant injustice in human evaluation.
Sadly, the world is still not on the right track. As a result, this injustice has persisted throughout history and remains present today.
Honoring Fundamentals (Who Deserves Most Respect
The most honest individuals should receive the highest respect in every aspect of life. Honoring people based on wealth and social status is superficial and unjust. Honesty is one of the greatest virtues one can nurture in life. It requires significant sacrifice to be truly honest, especially in a world where dishonesty often brings many benefits. Honest people are the true jewels of society and deserve our utmost respect. This is the fundamental law of honoring humans.
The most honest individuals should receive the highest respect in every aspect of life.
Positioning Fundamentals (Who Should Get Leading Positions)
The most intelligent and wise individuals with honest minds should hold the leading positions in society. This is the fundamental principle of assigning leaders in any sector. Positions requiring the most responsible duties need the most intelligent individuals to perform them effectively. These intelligent and great minds will act for the benefit of everyone without depriving anyone. Adopting these positioning principles will ensure a just society.
Sometimes, intelligent people may not come forward to take a position. It is our duty to seek them out and offer them the positions they deserve and are capable of handling. Intelligent individuals may sometimes lack higher academic certifications or attractive appearances. If they can perform a role better than those who lack intelligence, wisdom, and a sense of justice but have academic certifications, we must prioritize intelligence over academic credentials.